Spa Sense offers monthly HR retainers




Did you know?

Spa Sense offers expert assistance with HR training, process set up and monthly retainers.

Why would I need this service?

  1. We’ll help you do it right the 1st time!
  2. Show you what you can and cant do.
  3. Keep you away from the CCMA.
  4. Treat your staff right.
  5. Measure and manage your staff performance correctly.

Human resources is a tedious but necessary element of running a business. As owners and managers of spas and salons we often find ourselves lacking in the greatest of all commodities – time. We forget to do small and seemingly insignificant task that land up having massive implications on our Human Resources and correct labor practices of our businesses.

But there is no need to fret….We are here for you and we can handle it all for you. We will asses and set up all the correct collateral, processes and measurables so that you do not have to worry about this aspect of the business. We’ll take care if it for you.

Interested? Give us call to get more information or set up an assessment.  0116160833 / 25 or email